Re: ReSpec: potentially breaking change (where to discuss ReSpec)

On Tue, 2010-04-13 at 13:36 +0200, Robin Berjon wrote:
> This brings me to a more general question. Quite a few groups have started using ReSpec
>  (I know of at least DAP, WebApps, MAWG, RDFa, XML Security, and I've seen commits
>  to the biblio DB that seem to indicate more) but when this sort of problem arises
>  I don't know how to get in touch with everyone. I also get a fair amount of feature
>  requests and discussions about how to implement them that could probably best be
>  discussed as a group. Should we have a ReSpec mailing list? Or should we officially
>  highjack spec-prod at the risk of annoying its current denizens?

You're welcome to use spec-prod as far as I'm concerned, at the risk of
being annoyed by discussion of other tools, such as xmlspec.

It seems on-topic to me:

"a public mailing list devoted to mechanisms for producing and managing
W3C specifications."

p.s. I'm not copying on this reply; cross-posting to
member-only and public lists runs the risk that somebody will reply
thinking it's a member-only discussion when in fact their reply
will go into public archives.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 15 April 2010 16:23:15 UTC