Re: [battery] Add an explicit use cases and requirements section (#25)

I agree that in general it is easier to find out _who_ use an API than figure out _how_ the API is used. I added some descriptions to a few open-source projects in my initial list where the _how_ part was obvious. Deployed code is often obfuscated and without comments, making it hard to figure out the _how_ part.

I also agree this is a balancing act: mitigate known abusive use with best known methods, allow real-world use cases, keep web compatibility.

We're interested in use cases from other W3C groups and their feedback. I think is of interest to the Media WG so maybe @marcoscaceres can help discuss that use case in that group and contribute findings back to this issue. The inference use case is from the WebML WG participants.

I hope we can work on this together in a productive manner.

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