Re: [vibration] Update implementation report (#33)

> The W3C Vibration API is falsely claiming to be implemented by Firefox, as indicated in the implementation report.

I can't find instructions for how an implementation report should be produced but I think the problem here is relying on WPT results for an API which can be trivially implemented so as to pass the tests without being functional. By doing this Firefox makes the WPT results look like it supports the API when it doesn't. A human writing an implementation report wouldn't claim that Firefox supports the API but the tests can't tell the difference.

Some formal guidance on how groups should produce and maintain implementation reports would be appreciated.

@anssiko, I am requesting as a Chair of this group that you, as an Editor of this specification, produce a manually-curated implementation report which better reflects the implementation status of this API.

@marcoscaceres, please clarify whether your Formal Objection is limited to this misrepresentation of the implementation status or if you will persist is requesting the Team consider overriding the group's decision to continue work on this deliverable.

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