Re: [battery] Add an explicit use cases and requirements section (#25)

Don't forget you also need to balance these against all the abuse cases see at:

Like, the working group needs to answer why so many porn sites, link farms, etc. are using the API and actually look at the misuse. 

**Is the misuse _higher_ then the legitimate use?**  

I'll also note that citing "Vue has ~5M weekly downloads, React Native has ~1.9M weekly downloads and Expo ~600k weekly downloads." That's a false equivalence.

That's like saying me saying "my blog gets billions of views a month because lots of people download web browsers." Just because someone downloads a framework, doesn't mean they are using the battery API.   

I recommend a great book called "[How to lie with statistics](,%2C%20errors%2C%20graphs%20and%20indexes.)", which I recommend reading (so to avoid accidentally lying with statistics).  

There may be great use cases here, but those need to be balanced also with all the abuse cases. 

Also, with each use case that is found, those need to then be balanced with other ways of doing the same thing on the platform. It maybe be that you can "do X if you have the battery API", but you could also "do X" if you don't have the battery API and handle things in some other way. 

So the general ask is always to consider for each case, "is this the _best_ way meet some particular use case, and how would some other spec or technology help here."

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