Re: [battery] Are there new use cases for battery API? (#64)

Also, I would like to refute a statement you made, @marcoscaceres : 

> Wait, you can’t sit this in CR forever in the hope someone will implement it.

Actually, there is no maximum length of time one can sit in CR.  I would point out that WebMIDI sat in draft [1] for around a decade with only one core engine implementation [2] before Mozilla decided to pick it up and ship it.

It is a totally valid statement of "We have spent a considerable amount of time working out the use cases, and if this is to become an interoperable standard, this is how a cross-sectional segment thinks it should be done."  Certainly, it is not the same as an interoperable REC.

[1] If I had it to do over again, I would have spent a bit more effort personally as editor and gotten it to CR early on, and left it in that state for that time period.  My bad.
[2] There were at least two other implementations - a "Web MIDI Browser" wrapper on iOS (in the App Store), and the plug-in-based polyfill I wrote for Mozilla a long time ago (pretty sure it rotted away).

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