Re: [battery] What’s this spec about again? (#64)

I will restate what my co-chair @reillyeon said in
>There is no process requirement for implementations or even implementor interest at the WD stage.
>The DAS working group was recently (February 21st, 2024) chartered to work on this specification, which indicates that the W3C Membership intends us to do so. Knowing that there exist at least some members who are interested in continuing to pursue this draft, as a chair I can determine without further consultation that the WG does not have consensus to discontinue.
>Unless any WG members would like to ask for a CfC on this, we will continue this work, and close these issues.

I will now proceed to close this issue.

The work on this API continues.

I invite you to review the way your own organization responded to the corresponding AC review: (Member-only link)

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