Re: [geolocation-sensor] Mark as Discontinued Draft and continue in Geolocation API (#60)

In this context it is important to observe strong developer and end user demand for the use cases outlined in for and in particular. Thank you everyone for your contributions. ❤️

Retrofitting these sought after features discussed in use cases and issues into the "legacy" Geolocation API may not be reasonable due to the historical design, process, and other reasons. The shape of the solution to address these use cases may also differ materially from what is currently proposed as an API in this repo as GeolocationSensor, built atop the extensible modern framework, the Generic Sensor API. All these aspects need careful consideration.

All this does not however change the fact that there's significant demand for these features among developers and users and the wider web community has come together in this repo to share their suggestions, feedback and real-world use cases.  This is not often happening in W3C repos, so it is important that the W3C community does not dismiss this valuable developer and end user feedback, but uses this information wisely and continues to engage with the web developer community in shaping the solution in a venue where our collaborative stakeholders are now, that is, here.

To address the concern raised, we will look for appropriate mechanisms to help clarify the current status to ensure discussion continues on these important use cases and features without disruption. Everyone - do not worry, your voice continues to be heard.

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