Re: [vibration] Update implementation report (#33)

Just also noting the spec on TR hasn't been updated since 18 October 2016. Although I see some updates/fixes to the Editor's draft, but no effort to update the actual Recommendation on TR.

> The group's position has been this API is positioned as the lowest common denominator across devices and remains a useful feature for the largest user base, complementary to domain-specific haptics features.

I think this the position I'd like to challenge. The group may feel this way, but it might not be the best position to hold for the W3C as a whole. DAP has met it's expectations of maintaining the REC, nor continuing to track the actual implementation status of the specification (it's been 7 years and 7 months since this spec was updated on TR, and still has not received a second implementation... with the other second implementation removing support for it!). 

DAS hasn't even bothered to create or maintain an Errata (404):

Due to all of the above, it seems prudent to Obsolete it and let's start on something newer/better.

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