Re: [vibration] Update implementation report (#33)

The WG should update the implementation report and look beyond e.g. that keeps track of other browsers. The latter suggests there's a second implementation to be found. Contributions welcome from folks who have access to any of those browsers on applicable platforms to help contribute test results.

How to evolve this API is an exciting but a separate discussion from implementation report. The group has kept a record of new proposals brought to its attention and we've discussed with folks who have worked on domain-specific capabilities e.g. gamepad specific haptics to understand their requirements. The group's position has been this API is positioned as the lowest common denominator across devices and remains a useful feature for the largest user base, complementary to domain-specific haptics features. With time, it might be that the baseline LCD will move so that we can update this API to consider new features. One of the possible such features under consideration is strength control that might be soon about to reach the level it could be considered. Contributions welcome in this area too from interested folks.

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