Re: [compute-pressure] Wide review tracker (#177)

The Compute Pressure API [shipped in Chrome 125]( Stable release yesterday. Congratulations everyone who made this happen!

This important implementation milestone was reached after an extensive trial period with real-world customers between July 2023 and March 2024. Feedback received during this trial period demonstrated the API addresses important end user needs and motivated the shipping decision.

Considering this significant advancement on the implementation front, I recommend the WG to start advancing this specification toward the Candidate Recommendation stage in the near future. This transition is to formally signal the specification is welcoming further [implementation experience](

We will assess the CR transition readiness in the coming months with assistance from @himorin and will follow up with more information and concrete next steps. Meanwhile, I encourage the editors @kenchris @arskama to triage the remaining open issues and label any issues considered out of scope for the expected CR, including any new features, as This is to help delineate what should be addressed by CR from what comes after.

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