Re: [compute-pressure] Attempt to add Automation section and WebDriver support (#265)

> 1. I find it a bit strange that the creation of the virtual source also defines the sample array.
>    Should we restrict the creation to only create the virtual source? That would allow the user to control when the updates actually happen.

This ended up being fixed a while ago.

> 2. Also we don't have a getter version, so we cannot check what was the set samplingInterval at creation.
>    Should we have one Getter returning the existing virtual sources and their set samplingInterval?

Getters are tricky because the information they return might be outdated by the time it reaches users. Unless really needed, I don't think we need to provide ways to access this information (which should be available to users anyway given that they made the WebDriver calls).

> 3. Should we have an example to show what needs to be done to for example set a new samplingInterval to a virtual source? Since apparently the virtual source needs to be deleted first? (right?)

If we take the "let users handle the sampling rate" approach I mentioned in one of the inline comments, this might end up becoming a non-issue as a side-effect.

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