from July 2024 by subject

[compute-pressure] Usecase: 100% pressure, main thread blocked entirely. Please let me react? (#290)

[device-posture] Clarify that `null` is never exposed to the page (#152)

[device-posture] Comparison to other fingerprinting surface is incorrect (#153)

[device-posture] Device posture and direction interaction (#151)

[device-posture] editorial: Reorganize internal slots into different sections (#156)

[device-posture] Fix typo. (#158)

[device-posture] Rate limiting does not seem related to privacy (#154)

[device-posture] Remove the rate limiting section per PING review. (#155)

[geolocation-sensor] Support geolocation (especially geofencing) in the "background" (#22)

[vibration] Integration with permissions API (#42)

[vibration] Misc non-privacy concerns with the API (#43)

Closed: [device-posture] Clarify that `null` is never exposed to the page (#152)

Closed: [device-posture] Rate limiting does not seem related to privacy (#154)

Last message date: Tuesday, 23 July 2024 16:35:36 UTC