Re: [geolocation-sensor] Support geolocation (especially geofencing) in the "background" (#22)

We had the case of a client who wants to build an app where users could track their movement while using a hot air balloon. This data would be gathered so that they get a history of all their flights and can optionally compare this with other balloons in the area. The location data to be collected would be not only the latitude and longitude but ideally also the accuracy, altitude, heading and speed (to the extent that these are available from the device sensors). After building a PWA proof of concept, we were forced to conclude that this would require building a native app, as such data could be obtained through the `navigator.geolocation` API but only while the web page is in the foreground, and we cannot expect users of the balloons to constantly keep their app open and visible on screen in order to ensure that their movement gets tracked reliably throughout their flight.

What would be needed on the web from a user's point of view is what native apps allow: initially ask the user for the permission to collect and process their location data both while the app is in foreground and in the background, then let the user remove this permission at any time through some system setting.

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