Re: [ambient-light] Add camera permission requirement to spec? (#79)

A patch that basically does `s/ambient-light/camera/` in a few places is pretty easy to write, but I'd like to try to hash out the integration between these changes and the [Media Capture and Streams]( spec:
* Does ALS need a custom permission revocation algorithm that invokes both the [generic sensor permission revocation algorithm]( and [device permission revocation algorithm](
* Is the idea that an Ambient Light Sensor is essentially invisible to Media Capture and Streams (e.g. it is not enumerable by `navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices({ video: true })` and does not have a corresponding `deviceId`)?
  * If we run the device permission revocation algorithm, does it mean that disabling an ALS will revoke permission for all video devices as well since it doesn't have a `deviceId`?
* The permission steps in [`getUserMedia()`'s algorithm]( seem to be quite specific, including parts such as _"When asking the user’s permission, the User Agent MUST disclose whether permission will be granted only to the device chosen, or to all devices of that kind"_. Will we have to replicate those steps (or reference them from this spec) so that `AmbientLightSensor.start()` does not change the constraints around how `getUserMedia()` works for video devices (as granting permission to ALS would grant permission for all video devices as well)?

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