[accelerometer] Permissions integration (#64)
[ambient-light] Clean up Bikeshed metadata (#75)
[ambient-light] Consider making granularity of the data normative (#63)
[ambient-light] Mandate that illuminance readings be rounded; require threshold value check. (#77)
[ambient-light] Permissions integration tweaks (#71)
[ambient-light] Remove custom biblio entry for MEDIAQUERIES-5. (#72)
[ambient-light] Remove references to the `light-level` CSS media feature. (#76)
[ambient-light] RFC: Mandate that illuminance readings be rounded; require threshold value check. (#77)
[geolocation-api] "Queue a task" / "in parallel" usage appears wrong (#114)
[geolocation-api] How to specify desired accuracy / resolution of data? (#49)
[geolocation-api] List of active times is gone (#113)
[geolocation-api] Section 6: Non-normative but containing implementation requirements? (#56)
[gyroscope] Update stability status in SOTD (#48)
[magnetometer] Update stability status in SOTD (#62)
[orientation-sensor] Head orientation tracking (#68)
[screen-wake-lock] Add brightness-mode-explainer.md. (#334)
[screen-wake-lock] editorial: Adapt to Page Visibility spec integration into HTML (#332)
[screen-wake-lock] editorial: Use Web IDL's definition conventions for methods and getters. (#330)
[screen-wake-lock] Visibility dependencies are broken (#331)
[sensors] Add syntax highlighting to Web IDL examples. (#428)
[sensors] Adding a sensor.activated attribute (#95)
[sensors] Adjust references to terms defined in the Permissions spec. (#418)
[sensors] Clean up custom anchors set in the spec. (#419)
[sensors] Do some editorial adjustments to the Sensor algorithms. (#425)
[sensors] Fix dark mode SVG (#424)
[sensors] Inline Sensor Lifecycle SVG does not play well with dark mode color scheme (#423)
[sensors] Other Sensor API standards from OGC (#431)
[sensors] Proof-read the "Sensor Model" section. (#421)
[sensors] Properly specify the constructor algorithm and internal slots for SensorErrorEvent (#426)
[sensors] RFC: Define and use a "threshold check algorithm" that concrete sensors can use. (#429)
[sensors] Use "e.g." rather than "i.e." in example of non-spatial sensor. (#420)
Closed: [screen-wake-lock] Visibility dependencies are broken (#331)
Closed: [sensors] Adding a sensor.activated attribute (#95)
Closed: [sensors] Inline Sensor Lifecycle SVG does not play well with dark mode color scheme (#423)
Closed: [sensors] Other Sensor API standards from OGC (#431)
Last message date: Friday, 31 December 2021 10:35:30 UTC