[dap-charter] DASWG: Drop Ambient light sensor API for privacy and lack of implementer support (#100)
[dap-charter] DASWG: Drop Battery API for privacy and lack of implementer support (#98)
[dap-charter] DASWG: Drop Generic Sensor API (#106)
[dap-charter] DASWG: Drop Geolocation Sensor in favor of existing APIs (#103)
[dap-charter] DASWG: Leave System WakeLock API in WICG until there is a second implementer (#101)
[deviceorientation] Drop duplicate PermissionState definition (#88)
[deviceorientation] Move fingerprintable APIs behind permissions (#85)
- Maryam Mehr via GitHub (Friday, 14 August)
- xia via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 August)
- Maryam Mehr via GitHub (Wednesday, 12 August)
- Anssi Kostiainen via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- xia via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- Anssi Kostiainen via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- xia via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- Anssi Kostiainen via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- xia via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- pes via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- xia via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- xia via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- xia via GitHub (Tuesday, 11 August)
- pes via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- Reilly Grant via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- pes via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
- xia via GitHub (Monday, 10 August)
[geolocation-api] [meta] Wide review tracker (#43)
[geolocation-api] Change text for description of GeolocationPositionError.message attribute (#50)
[geolocation-api] Editorial - possible syntax error (#53)
[geolocation-api] Editorial: fix up .message text (#51)
[geolocation-api] Explicitly limit permission lifetimes (#47)
[geolocation-api] How to specify desired accuracy / resolution of data? (#49)
[geolocation-api] Section 1: Editorial - possible syntax error (#53)
[geolocation-api] Section 3: Why only "SHOULD" for protection of privacy? (#54)
[geolocation-api] Section 4.5.6: Value for speed for stationary device (#55)
[geolocation-api] Section 6: Non-normative but containing implementation requirements? (#56)
[geolocation-api] Sectioni 6: Non-normative but implementation requirements? (#56)
[geolocation-api] Security review: General observations (#57)
[geolocation-api] Why only "SHOULD" for protection of privacy? (#54)
[screen-wake-lock] [meta] Wide review tracker (#270)
[screen-wake-lock] Add "geolocation" wake lock (#170)
[screen-wake-lock] Add a Changes section (#269)
[screen-wake-lock] Add WakeLockSentinel.released. (#279)
[screen-wake-lock] Be able to query if there are any screen wake-lock object active for the current page (#273)
[screen-wake-lock] Do not use allow="screen-wake-lock" for iframes (#277)
[screen-wake-lock] editorial: Add internal slots to WakeLockSentinel. (#280)
[screen-wake-lock] Editorial: s/Feature Policy/Permissions Policy (#266)
[screen-wake-lock] New shortname (#257)
[screen-wake-lock] Privacy consideration about tracking location (#137)
[screen-wake-lock] Publish a new Candidate Recommendation (#262)
[screen-wake-lock] release() linking to wrong algorithm? (#271)
[screen-wake-lock] sentinel.released boolean (#272)
[screen-wake-lock] Set up ReSpec autopublish (#268)
[screen-wake-lock] User prompts to show an active screen-lock should have an associated domain (#278)
[system-wake-lock] Privacy consideration about tracking location (#3)
Closed: [geolocation-api] Section 1: Editorial - possible syntax error (#53)
Closed: [geolocation-api] Section 4.5.6: Value for speed for stationary device (#55)
Closed: [screen-wake-lock] Add "geolocation" wake lock (#170)
Closed: [screen-wake-lock] release() linking to wrong algorithm? (#271)
Closed: [screen-wake-lock] sentinel.released boolean (#272)
Closed: [screen-wake-lock] Set up ReSpec autopublish (#268)
Closed: [screen-wake-lock] Update the reference to Feature Policy (#264)
Last message date: Friday, 28 August 2020 14:32:00 UTC