from June 2017 by subject

[ambient-light] Align example code with latest GS API changes

[ambient-light] Security and Privacy considerations for ALS

[battery] [meta] Publish a revised Candidate Recommendation

[battery] Allow use from within secure context and top-level browsing context only

[magnetometer] Align example code with latest GS API changes

[sensors] [meta] Fix broken deploy story, redux

[sensors] Add definition for optimal sampling frequency

[sensors] Add new editors

[sensors] Clarify relationship between Sensor object and task source

[sensors] Define algorithm for suspending / resuming activated sensor objects

[sensors] Don't allocate response objects to avoid triggering GC

[sensors] Find an appropriate test reviewer

[sensors] Introduce "sensor task source"

[sensors] Investigate adding dedicated task sources

[sensors] Issues caused by visibility state restriction semantics

[sensors] Let the UA (platform) calculate optimal sampling frequency

[sensors] Rename 'onchange' to 'onreading'

[sensors] Rewrite Abstract Operations

[sensors] Sensor objects fire 'change' event considering their own frequency hint

[sensors] Sensor.frequency needs to be setable to allow frequency adaptation

[sensors] Sensors unable to provide their state when instantiated

[sensors] Should a "suspended" state be added

[sensors] Should the API allow setting both samplingFrequency and reportingFrequency?

[sensors] Simplify deployment infra

[sensors] The internal slots are not reset

[sensors] The Sensor.lastEventFiredAt internal slot is useless

[sensors] The Sensor.waitingForUpdate internal slot is useless

[sensors] Update Sensor.timestamp description

[sensors] 404s

[wake-lock] Clarify state of screen lock after manual lock & unlock

[wake-lock] clean up implementation status section

[wake-lock] Disable Wake Lock in sandboxed frames

[wake-lock] iframes keeping screen awake

[wake-lock] More diplay power modes

[wake-lock] new type: location?

[wake-lock] Restrict Wake Lock to secure context

[wake-lock] Specify that platform-specific inactivity timer should be reset after the lock is released

Closed: [gyroscope] Add link to use cases in spec

Closed: [sensors] [meta] Fix broken deploy story, redux

Closed: [sensors] Agree on event names

Closed: [sensors] Call 'onchange' on a Senor instance considering its own frequency hint

Closed: [sensors] Clarify relationship between Sensor object and task source

Closed: [sensors] Find an appropriate test reviewer

Closed: [sensors] Let the UA (platform) calculate optimal sampling frequency

Closed: [sensors] The Sensor.lastEventFiredAt internal slot is useless

Closed: [sensors] The Sensor.waitingForUpdate internal slot is useless

Closed: [wake-lock] "Implementation status" does not link anywhere

Closed: [wake-lock] Clarify state of screen lock after manual lock & unlock

Last message date: Friday, 30 June 2017 13:52:25 UTC