Re: [community-group] Should composites be part of the MVP specification? (#54)

I also think we also should define more precisely which composite we'll support by default.

I consider the following ones essential:
- border
- transition
- shadow
- gradient
- text style
- transition

I don't think border-radii, spacing/padding and color-pair should be part of the spec. Let me explain why.

can differ from one angle to another in CSS. But if it's not the case in iOS and in Android then I think we should let people create as many radii they need to fix this gap. I tend to see our composite tokens as an agnostic base of token that could be created whatever the platform. I'm interested to have your input on this @lukasoppermann ;)

I don't understand why those are necessary as we already provide a "dimension" type. I also don't know if you can define such properties in iOS and Android. I'm interested to have your input on this @lukasoppermann ;)

While I understand why this combination is useful, I think it's still a "hack" to check a11y color contrasts. This should be doable but not included as a default composite type in the spec.

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