Re: [community-group] Should composites be part of the MVP specification? (#54)

This part of the spec needs more definition. Defining what composites should and shouldn't be used for with a lot more examples. 

I view a composite token as a set of _additive_ design decisions applied to a _single_ element. So border, transition, text styles, shadows, (any css shorthand property basically).

What gives me pause are mutually exclusive sets of values. @rfrey-rbx's mention of **color pairs** doesn't fit as a composite to me, I'll try to articulate why. 

I think it's because there's additional information required to correctly apply those values like the specific keys of `Color`, `OverSurface` and `ForText`. Those feel very system-specific and too bespoke for us to bake into the spec. 

I have similar hesitation when I hear of light/dark mode color sets as composites or responsive font sizes for different viewports. In all those cases there's implementation-specific information required to apply the correct token at the correct time and I see implementation details starting to drift into the tokens file itself, which makes it harder to standardize.

In my view a tokens file should not contain any context-specific implementation hooks or keys that trigger automatic switching between tokens or automatic application of tokens. 

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