Re: Matrix4x4 proposal

Before going into more details: Was there a good reason for just a single matrix interface and not a minimalistic but useful set of base types (e.g. Vec3, Vec4, Matrix4x4 or even Quaternion) which would be really helpful for various math related operations (e.g composition/decomposition)? We (especially Timm) thought about something similar for the dec3d group:

best regards

> [Apologies if this mail comes out badly formatted - I'm using a crappy web mail app]
> This is picking up from Igor's proposal [1] and completes my action (given at the W3C TP) to propose a more "native" matrix class.
> Open questions:
> - should include ortho() and perspective() functions? (suggestion: YES)
> - should include a matrix decomposition method? (suggestion: YES)
> - should include a lookAt() method? (suggestion: PROBABLY, requires vectors or multiple parameters)
> - ok to remove skew? (suggestion: I HOPE SO)
> // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
> [
>     // Creates an identity matrix
>     Constructor(),
>     // Creates a new matrix from the value passed in (which is CSS transform string with
>     // matrix() or matrix3d() - not other functions).
>     Constructor(in DOMString string),
>     // Creates a new matrix from the Float32Array value passed in (length of 6 for a 2d matrix, or 16 for a 4x4 matrix).
>     Constructor(in Float32array array),
>     // Creates a new matrix identical to the passed matrix.
>     Constructor(in Matrix4x4 matrix),
>     // Creates a new matrix from the array of 6 or 16 values passed in
>     Constructor(in sequence<float> array)
> ]
> interface Matrix4x4 {
>     // These attributes are simple aliases for certain elements of the 4x4 matrix
>     attribute double a; // alias for m11
>     attribute double b; // alias for m12
>     attribute double c; // alias for m21
>     attribute double d; // alias for m22
>     attribute double e; // alias for m41
>     attribute double f; // alias for m42
>     attribute double m11;
>     attribute double m12;
>     attribute double m13;
>     attribute double m14;
>     attribute double m21;
>     attribute double m22;
>     attribute double m23;
>     attribute double m24;
>     attribute double m31;
>     attribute double m32;
>     attribute double m33;
>     attribute double m34;
>     attribute double m41;
>     attribute double m42;
>     attribute double m43;
>     attribute double m44;
>     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     // Multiply itself by a otherMatrix, on the right (this = this * otherMatrix)
>     void multiply(in Matrix4x4 otherMatrix);
>     // Multiply this matrix by otherMatrix, on the right (result = this * otherMatrix)
>     [Immutable] Matrix4x4 multipliedBy(in Matrix4x4 otherMatrix);
>     // Multiply itself by a otherMatrix, on the left (this = otherMatrix * this)
>     void leftMultiply(in Matrix4x4 otherMatrix);
>     // Invert this matrix. Throw an exception if the matrix is not invertible
>     void invert() raises (DOMException)
>     // Return the inverse of this matrix. Throw an exception if the matrix is not invertible
>     [Immutable] Matrix4x4 inverseMatrix() raises (DOMException);
>     // Translate this matrix in place using the passed values.
>     // Undefined or NaN parameters will use a value of 0. This allows the 3D form to used for 2D operations.
>     void translate(in double x,
>                    in double y,
>                    in double z);
>     // Return a new matrix that is this matrix translated by the passed values.
>     // Undefined or NaN parameters will use a value of 0. This allows the 3D form to used for 2D operations
>     [Immutable] Matrix4x4 translatedBy(in double x,
>                                        in double y,
>                                        in double z);
>     // Scale this matrix in place using the passed values.
>     // Passing undefined or NaN for scaleY uses the value of scaleX.
>     // Passing undefined or NaN for scaleZ uses the value 1.0.
>     void scale(in double scaleX,
>                in double scaleY,
>                in double scaleZ);
>     // Return a new matrix that is this matrix scaled by the passed values.
>     // Passing undefined or NaN for scaleY uses the value of scaleX.
>     // Passing undefined or NaN for scaleZ uses the value 1.0.
>     [Immutable] Matrix4x4 scaledBy(in double scaleX,
>                                    in double scaleY,
>                                    in double scaleZ);
>     // Rotate this matrix in place using the passed values. Each parameter defines
>     // an angle of rotation around the (corresponding) X, Y or Z axes.
>     // Passing undefined or NaN for rotY and rotZ instead rotates around the Z axis
>     // (i.e. rotX = 0, rotY = 0, rotZ = <input rotX>)
>     // Input values are in radians.
>     void rotate(in double rotX,
>                 in double rotY,
>                 in double rotZ);
>     // Return a new matrix that is this matrix rotated by the passed values. Each parameter
>     // defines an angle of rotation around the (corresponding) X, Y or Z axes.
>     // Passing undefined or NaN for rotY and rotZ instead rotates around the Z axis
>     // (i.e. rotX = 0, rotY = 0, rotZ = <input rotX>)
>     // Input values are in radians.
>     [Immutable] Matrix4x4 rotatedBy(in double rotX,
>                                     in double rotY,
>                                     in double rotZ);
>     // Rotate this matrix in place using the passed values. The x, y and z values
>     // define a vector about which the matrix is rotated.
>     // The value of angle is in radians.
>     void rotateAxisAngle(in double x,
>                          in double y,
>                          in double z,
>                          in double angle);
>     // Return a new matrix that is this matrix rotated using the passed values. The x, y and z values
>     // define a vector about which the matrix is rotated.
>     // The value of angle is in radians.
>     [Immutable] Matrix4x4 rotatedByAxisAngle(in double x,
>                                              in double y,
>                                              in double z,
>                                              in double angle);
>     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>     // Copy the matrix elements into a Float32Array
>     // Throws an exception if the input is invalid (e.g. wrong length, etc).
>     void copyIntoFloat32Array(inout Float32Array array) raises (DOMException);
>     // return a Float32Array (length 16) with the values [m11, m12, ...]
>     Float32Array toFloat32Array();
>     // Returns a string that is in the format of a CSS transform.
>     // (e.g. "matrix3d(m11, m12, ...)")
>     DOMString toString();
> };
> [1]

Dr. Johannes Behr
Abteilungsleiter Visual Computing System Technologies
Fraunhofer-Institut für Graphische Datenverarbeitung IGD
Fraunhoferstr. 5  |  64283 Darmstadt  |  Germany
Tel +49 6151 155-510  |  Fax +49 6151 155-196  |

Received on Friday, 13 January 2012 15:56:00 UTC