RE: Device Description definition

Dear Rotan,
  sorry for jumping in as someone who's not that deeply involved.

> === Device description - a collection of attribute-value pairs that
> apply to each member of a set of devices. ===
[Christian Timmerer (ITEC)] I'm wondering whether a "collection" is defined
in a way differentiating between
 - a "flat list" (of attribute-value pairs) where the enclosing element does
not cover any semantics concerning the contents of the device description
(besides that it is a device description) and
 - a "possible hierarchy" (of attribute-value pairs) where enclosing
elements might have semantics.

I'm not sure enclosing element is the right terminology but I guess it
should be clear what is meant.

Best regards,

> Now, we still have the issue of the definition of Device. As we all
> know, the issue of the physical/software duality of the client were
> raised during the workshop. We have no clear idea at this point in time
> how we should uniquely identify the client. Many physical units can
> support the same browser software, and many browsers can work on
> multiple hardware platforms. When a server receives a request, should
> we consider this a request from the physical device, the software
> device, or some hybrid? And is this hybrid identified in the request?
> Can we disambiguate? Can we avoid the combinatorial explosion that will
> result from the problem of identifying hybrids uniquely?
> And finally, note that in the DI Glossary definition we find the word
> "apparatus", which some might assume means a physical entity, but of
> course an apparatus could equally be purely software or a combination.
> I believe this is why that particular word was used.
> ---Rotan.
> From: member-ddwg On Behalf Of Smith, Kevin, VF-Group
> Sent: 27 February 2007 17:41
> To: member-ddwg
> Subject: Device Description definition
> Hi all,
> As mentioned, here's my first attempt at a definition of 'Device
> description' for the DI glossary. Once it is agreed I can submit it to
> Rhys and we can refer to it from our documents.
> Device description - a parameter that describes a single property
> and/or single capability of a generic instance of a specific device
> [1].
> or
> Device description - an enumeration of the parameters that define the
> properties and capabilities of a generic instance of a specific device
> .
> ...the difference being that for the former, we imply a single
> descriptive item; for the latter, the collective description of a
> device's capabilities.
> Notes:
> - as the architecture evolves it may be that the definition changes to
> mention syntax or datatype (e.g. 'parameter' may change to 'attribute-
> value pair' or 'RDF-triple', etc.)
> - the definition does not constrain the description to static
> properties only, should it?
> Cheers,
> Kevin
> [1] Device is defined in the glossary as "An apparatus through which a
> user can perceive and interact with the Web" (
> gloss/#def-device)
> Kevin Smith
> Technology Strategist
> Vodafone Research & Development
> [...]

Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2007 08:36:20 UTC