RE: Wiki Changes RSS

For each idea there is a plus, and a minus.

Obviously, if the RSS carried each updated page as full content then everyone on the feed would get immediate visibility of the changes.

That would be good except for two things:
1. We are going to be making a lot of changes and
2. Some of our regularly changing pages are very big.

For an example of a big page, look at the Ecosystem wiki pages, one of which is an aggregate of all the others to represent the final document that will be published as a W3C WG Note. If you were to receive a full copy of this draft Note every time I (or any other wiki author) changed a word here or there, you'd be complaining that your inbox is overflowing. Same for any pages with big entries (the Protégé screenshots, the impending IDL examples etc.)

I will admit that I'm having a bit of trouble with my own RSS client, and will be looking for a better one soon, so I haven't seen what the wiki RSS is delivering. My expectation is that it merely alerts me to which pages are changed, gives me a link to that page and also tells me the comment that the author used when s/he changed the page. That's about all I really need to know.

A quick Web search for MoinMoin and RSS doesn't reveal much information. (Look for "MoinMoinSyndication").

If there are big additions or major changes to the wiki pages, we could always post a blog entry on the main DDWG blog server to summarise the update.

We can ask the W3C team for their thoughts in our weekly teleconference tomorrow.


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Andrea Trasatti
Sent: 18 February 2007 00:20
Subject: Wiki Changes RSS

Would it be possible to change the RSS feed for the Wiki changes to  
provide full content?

Currently no data about the page changed is provided.

I think it would be very useful for people like me who has subscribed  
and use a client to read RSS updates.

Andrea Trasatti
W3C invited expert

Received on Sunday, 18 February 2007 20:53:07 UTC