call for review, and tracking comments

Suggested plan:

* When we publish the new draft tomorrow and ask for review, we should 
include a prominent alert that:

(1) we are on a very short timeline and need comments by March 17th at 
the latest.
(2) if you need more time than that, let us know what you need
(3) if you've made earlier comments that you don't consider as having 
been addressed, please tell us again
(4) we're especially interested in plans to implement

* Moving forward we track comments carefully.   I kinda of like telling 
folks to use github, but we can stick with email + tracker + wiki.

Sound okay?   If we get a flood of interest, hopefully that will be 
taken as an encouraging sign we can use to negotiate a little more time 
on the CR transition deadline.

    -- Sandro

Received on Thursday, 2 March 2017 16:47:46 UTC