ISSUE-222: status

I have completed my action item of checking with Andy Seaborne on the current status of discussions. 

Andy says that:

The discussion here <> and it includes changes for the EXISTS CG document.  Changes are about adding explanation that the process is safe and a refinement to be explicit about application order (they do not actually make a material difference).

Andy will update the CG draft once he gets a chance. Since the SHACL document refers to the EXISTS CG document, I do not believe any changes are needed in the SHACL document to address points 1 and 2 of Peter's 3 points.

The third point is about the SHACL document itself and needs SHACL editors to deal with. So, over to Holger for this one.



Received on Wednesday, 22 February 2017 16:48:16 UTC