link from ns/shacl to ns/shacl-shacl

TimBL asked us to put a machine readable link from the SHACL namespace 
document ( to the SHACL document which can 
be used to validate documents written using that namespace 
(   This seems like the kind of link 
that would be generally useful, even if only as a rough default.  
Obviously in many cases, one namespace would be appropriately used in 
lots of different shapes.  But in some cases (eg SHACL) where there's a 
sensible default, it'd be nice for the machines to be able to find it.   
So, has anyone made such a predicate?    If not, is there a reason not 
to make it up now, as a non-rec-track extension?

      -- Sandro

Received on Monday, 10 April 2017 02:21:21 UTC