shapes-ISSUE-178 (sh:message constraints): Should sh:message be permitted at constraints, too? [SHACL - Core]

shapes-ISSUE-178 (sh:message constraints): Should sh:message be permitted at constraints, too? [SHACL - Core]

Raised by: Holger Knublauch
On product: SHACL - Core

I believe SHACL should allow sh:message to be used at each constraint instance.  If present, this sh:message should be preferred over the default messages stored by the constraint components.

Example (real case from TopBraid, actually):

    rdf:type sh:Shape ;
    sh:property [
        sh:predicate cfg:teamworkRootProject ;
        sh:pattern "^[a-zA-Z_\\.]+$" ;
    ] ;
    sh:targetClass cfg:ServerConfiguration .

The user should see a message such as "The root project name may only contain letters or the dot", but there is no way to specify this right now. What I want is:

    rdf:type sh:Shape ;
    sh:property [
        sh:predicate cfg:teamworkRootProject ;
        sh:pattern "^[a-zA-Z_\\.]+$" ;
        sh:message "The root project name may only contain letters or the dot" ;
    ] ;
    sh:targetClass cfg:ServerConfiguration .

Note that the message would apply to all violations produced by the constraint, even across multiple constraint components, but I believe that's acceptable because the shape designer has the choice to bundle only those constraint components that belong together.

Received on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 05:21:22 UTC