Re: shapes-ISSUE-192 (Are filters shapes?) - final questions

The ģitē that is referred to being processed in the sentence below is not
targets, but a shape that contains target statements.

In other words, the sentence says:

The targets are only ignored if a shape is being *processed* as a value. A
shape may also be
executed stand-alone, as an entry point into the validation.

So, this says that if a shape is provided as a value of sh:filterShape
property for some other shape, its targets are ignored when determining
the focus nodes of that other shape.

Given {ex:ShapeA sh:filterShape ex:ShapeB}, any targets of shape B are
ignored in figuring our shape A focus nodes.


On 10/28/16, 12:39 PM, "Karen Coyle" <> wrote:

>The targets are 
>only ignored if it is being *processed* as a value. A shape may also be
>executed stand-alone, as an entry point into the validation.
>*QUESTION 1: What does it mean for a target to be "processed" as a
>value? It's the term "processed" here that is problematic. Perhaps an
>example would help, and then we could tweak the language.

Received on Friday, 28 October 2016 17:02:01 UTC