Simplification of scopes section

Going over the document, it seems to me that this area is problematic:

2.1.1 Node scopes (sh:scopeNode)
2.1.2 Class-based Scopes (sh:scopeClass) Implicit Class Scopes
2.1.3 General scopes (sh:scope) Property scopes (sh:PropertyScope) Inverse property scopes (sh:InversePropertyScope) All subjects scopes (sh:AllSubjectsScope) All objects scopes (sh:AllObjectsScope)

There are a number of problems with this, but the main ones are the 
difference in treatment between the first two scope types (which are 
defined as properties) and the "General scopes" section (which defines 
subclasses of sh:Scope). Not to mention that these general scopes are 
actually quite specific, so called them "general scopes" isn't helpful.

The designation of these as "General Scopes" seems to come from an 
implementation decision:

"SHACL includes a general mechanism to select focus nodes. A shape can 
point to one or more instances of sh:Scope using the sh:scope predicate. 
SHACL includes four subclasses of sh:Scope that define the core scope 
types: sh:PropertyScope, sh:InversePropertyScope, sh:AllSubjectsScope 
and sh:AllObjectsScope. The SHACL language also defines a general 
scoping mechanism based on SPARQL."

I don't think this belongs here. This section should be a description of 
the scopes themselves, not of the general scoping mechanism, which 
should be in part 2 of the document. I also don't think that we should 
require or imply that these scopes are created using the general scoping 
mechanism -- this is the section on the Core and these scopes must be 
core. I don't believe that any other areas in core are tied to a 
specific implementation method.
It would make more sense as:

2.1.1 Node scopes (sh:scopeNode)
2.1.2 Class-based Scopes (sh:scopeClass)
2.1.3 Property scopes (sh:propertyScope)
2.1.4 Inverse property scopes (sh:inversePropertyScope)
2.1.5 All subjects scopes (sh:allSubjectsScope)
2.1.6 All objects scopes (sh:allObjectsScope)

giving the properties for all of the scopes defined in the core.


Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Friday, 13 May 2016 00:16:51 UTC