Re: regrets and votes for RDF Data Shapes WG 5 May 2016 meeting

That's an interesting idea.  However, I think that a more detailed proposal is
needed to see how this fits into the current SHACL syntax.


On 05/05/2016 01:18 AM, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:

> ISSUE-135: and/or syntactic sugar
>   In principle, I like simplicity but I'm unsure how to go there.
>   In ShEx, ANDs, ORs and triple constraints are composed into triple
>   expressions. A shape has a triple expression (likely an AND), a
>   CLOSEDness flag, and a list of open properties (like QCRs).
>   A SHACL could follow this pattern a la
>   clin:AdmissionForm a sh:shape; sh:closed true;
>     sh:expr [ a sh:And ; sh:exprs (
>       [ sh:predicate clin:givenName ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ]
>       [ sh:predicate clin:familyName ; sh:nodeKind sh:Literal ]
>     ) ].
>   I've made a proposal to that effect:

Received on Thursday, 5 May 2016 18:30:25 UTC