Re: rdf language tag contraints

Bart, thanks. I followed up on the history and it was indeed voted to 
become a requirement, but wasn't added. I will add it to the 
requirements list in the UC&R.


On 3/13/16 9:46 AM, Bart van Leeuwen wrote:
> Hi All,
> Seeing all the productive discussions and positive vibe on the list I
> sat down and read the current Editors draft of SHACL [1]
> One of the things that strike me is that I cannot have a simple
> constraint on a language tag.
> e.g. I need rdfs:label with '@en' for my application.
> I do see a example in the "Native Constraints" section [2] but that
> looks rather complex for my use case.
> On the issue tracker I did find ISSUE-35 [3] which resolves in allowing
> constraints on the language tag.
> I tried searching the mailing list archive but 'Language' is so
> ambiguous that it didn't help me answer this question from the archive.
> Why is the use case mentioned in Issue 35 not there any more, and why is
> there no simple way constraint on the language of a literal?
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]
> Met Vriendelijke Groet / With Kind Regards
> Bart van Leeuwen
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Received on Monday, 14 March 2016 14:42:38 UTC