paper on problems with substitute in SPARQL

Correlation and Substitution in SPARQL
Daniel Hernández, Claudio Gutierrez, Renzo Angles

In the current SPARQL specification the notion of correlation and substitution
are not well defined. This problem triggers several ambiguities in the
semantics. In fact, implementations as Fuseki and Virtuoso assume different
semantics. In this technical report, we provide a semantics of correlation and
substitution following the classic philosophy of substitution and correlation
in logic, programming languages and SQL. We think this proposal not only fix
the current ambiguities and problems, but helps to set a safe formal base to
further extensions of the language. This work is part of an ongoing work of
Daniel Hernandez. These anomalies in the W3C Specification of SPARQL 1.1 were
detected early and reported no later than 2014, when two erratas were
registered (cf. and

I don't know if I like this solution.  I think that a solution in terms of
initial multisets of solution mappings would be better and also doesn't have
the problem with MINUS described below.  This also can be used for pre-binding.

There are other problems with substitution in SPARQL.   For example,
  ?x :a :b .
  FILTER EXISTS { ?x :a :b . MINUS { ?x :a :b . } } }
returns all triples in the graph with predicate :a and object :b even though
the MINUS appears to require their elimination.  This is because the meaning
of MINUS is discontinuous between situations where no variables are shared and
some variables are shared.  Although it looks as if there is one shared
variable in the MINUS this variable is substituted by particular nodes as part
of the meaning of EXISTS.

So any use of substitution in SHACL has to be done very carefully.  I think
that if the SHACL spec has anything like substitute then the wording for it
has to be created by a SPARQL expert who has been involved in the examining
the problems with substitute in SPARQL.


Received on Thursday, 16 June 2016 20:24:43 UTC