Re: Boierplate macro (Was: Re: ISSUE-139: single implementations of all core constraint components)

On 06/15/2016 01:23 AM, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote:


> I think it will complicate things further if we add yet another variable
> substitution mechanism in SHACL. I believe it is best to merge these two in a
> single mechanism and (possibly) extend/change pre-binding


I agree.

As far as I can tell, all core constraint components can be implemented via
single SPARQL queries of the form
  } ...

provided that the boilerplate produces an extra solution mapping where ?this
is bound to the focus node and ?value is unbound.  The only two difficult
core constraint components are

sh:equals which can be implemented as

  OPTIONAL { $fn $eq ?ve FILTER ( sameTerm(?value,?ve) || NOT bound(?value) ) }
  FILTER (BOUND(?value) || BOUND(?ve))
  BIND ( IF(BOUND(?value),?value,?ve) AS ?v )
} GROUP BY ?v HAVING ( (COUNT *) = 1 )

sh:hasValue which can be implemented as

  FILTER (sameTerm(?value,$hasValue) )
} HAVING  ( COUNT * < 1 )

I think that this means that the boilerplate can (and should!) be replaced
by a form of pre-binding that utilizes a set of solution mappings instead of
a single mapping.  This would eliminate the need for code generation, even
for paths.


Received on Wednesday, 15 June 2016 18:27:54 UTC