ISSUE-139: Minimizing development costs by reusing SPARQL code in SHACL functions

Again on the topic of having to repeat the same SPARQL logic in multiple 
places, potentially raising development costs.

SHACL (like SPIN) includes a concept of user-defined SPARQL functions, 
see section 9 of the spec [1]. The whole point of having these functions 
is to encapsulate reusable business logic so that it can reused in 
multiple queries. So even if you have a complex constraint condition to 
check, there is a good chance that you can delegate that condition into 
a helper function, and then wrap it with different (trivial) boilerplate 
code for each case. This also allows users to write efficient unit 
tests, against the key function.

User-defined functions are one of the most widely used features of SPIN, 
and have saved countless hours of writing queries.



Received on Wednesday, 8 June 2016 04:04:37 UTC