Re: shapes-ISSUE-174 (Scopenode): Scopenode does not use RDF node definition [SHACL - Core]

On Tue, Jul 12, 2016 at 7:12 PM, Karen Coyle <> wrote:

> Thanks, Dimitris. As I said in my response to myself, Yes, property scopes
> do what I was looking for. It is confusing that SHACL refers to predicates
> in many of its explanations of scopes, but calls the scope that takes a
> predicate identifier for scope selection a "property scope". I can
> understand why, to some extent, but there is a moving back and forth
> between "predicate" and "property" that causes me confusion. I would prefer
> that we use the terms of the RDF abstract syntax consistently, and always
> use the same term for the same thing.

Holger's proposal to rename these property scope selectors would help in
this regard (which I am also in
favor of)

However you are right in this, we use both predicate and property a lot in
the spec, not only in prose but also as sh:property / sh:predicate
sh:property denotes Property constraints (Constraints that are about a
particular property or path and its values for the focus node) here
property actually means predicate as property is a more general term that
can take part as subject/objecty in a triple
I think we copied this terminology from IBM Resource Shapes and for most
(technical) people the distinction is clear but I see your point of

One way to reduce this confusion would be to rename sh:property to
something else e.g. sh:value.
This would be a very big syntax change (that I would avoid) but I wouldn't
object if there was strong support. But this should be decided as soon as
possible together with the rest of the upcoming changes.

> I understand that all scopes are nodes. (it might be good to say that in
> the spec).  Defining a scope in terms of a predicate IRI results in a scope
> that is a node (either the subject or object of the predicate IRI). My
> original question was, if my data graph has this triple:
> <a> <ex:IRI> <b>
> and sh:scopenode = ex:IRI, is this triple in scope? I am assuming that it
> is not, because ex:IRI is not a node, but I haven't been able to get a
> clear answer.

> The definition "A node scope with value $scopeNode, defines $scopeNode as
> the node in-scope in the data graph" reads as being circular (a node scope
> is a node in scope), so I'd like to see a definition that is more along the
> lines of:
> When the value of sh:scopeNode matches the value of any node (subject or
> object of a triple) in the data graph, that node is the focus node that is
> in scope for matching against the defined constraints.
> That may be too long, but I can't think of anything shorter at the moment.
> Basically, the definition needs to say both what the action is but also
> what the result is. The current definition says that, but the tautology of
> "scope node is node in scope" makes it hard to read.

I hope the updated definitions are clear and this is no longer an issue

> Also, the meaning of "in scope" has not been defined in the document
> before that point, AFAIK, so "in scope" isn't meaningful. And again, there
> seem to be two parallel terms (node in scope, and focus node) that aren't
> clearly differentiated. Are they different? They both appear to apply to
> the data graph, although in the definitions "scope" is an aspect of the
> SHACL graph - however "in scope in the data graph" seems to belie that.

The way validation is defined now is that it starts with an RDF node and we
validate the node itself (NodeConstraints) or it's values through a
predicate or a path (PropertyConstraints)
Scopes are one way to define the RDF nodes in-scope that in turn become
focus nodes after the pass any filtershapes
the other way to define focus nodes is through shape references e.g. with

so, since validation starts with a node, having ex:IRI as a focus node,
when ex:IRI exists only as predicate in the data graph,  would be something
like a silly thing to do (to reuse recent terminology :) )
depending on the constraints that are defined some would always be wrong
and some always true


> kc
> On 7/12/16 6:55 AM, Dimitris Kontokostas wrote:
>> Hi Karen
>> On Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 11:02 PM, RDF Data Shapes Working Group Issue
>> Tracker < <>> wrote:
>>     shapes-ISSUE-174 (Scopenode): Scopenode does not use RDF node
>>     definition [SHACL - Core]
>>     Raised by: Karen Coyle
>>     On product: SHACL - Core
>>     After chatting with various folks I am convinced that the use of
>>     "node" in the definition of "node scope" in SHACL is not correct.
>>     Node in RDF (which definition SHACL claims to follow) is defined thus:
>>     "The set of nodes of an RDF graph is the set of subjects and objects
>>     of triples in the graph. It is possible for a predicate IRI to also
>>     occur as a node in the same graph."[1]
>>     When we look at that:
>>     "The set of nodes of an RDF graph is the set of subjects and objects
>>     of triples in a graph."
>>     -> Only subjects and objects are "nodes."
>>     "It is possible for a predicate IRI to also occur as a node in the
>>     same graph."
>>     This refers to the IRI that is a predicate in a graph, not the
>>     predicate position in the triple, which is always an "arc" and not a
>>     node. The IRI can be a node (a subject or an object) if it is the
>>     subject or object of a triple. This means that if you "say
>>     something" about the predicate (for example adding a provenance
>>     statement about the predicate) then it has become a node in a graph
>>     as well as being a predicate in the graph.
>>     In fact, most predicates are not also subjects or objects. This
>>     means that at the moment SHACL does not have a way to define a scope
>>     on predicates.
>> At the moment, SHACL and all existing parallel proposals (correct me if
>> I am wrong) including ShEx & Peter's proposal work on RDF nodes.
>> No proposal has any special treatment for predicates, when the
>> predicates do not exists as subjects / objects on the graph to be tested
>>     If the above holds true, then two things must happen: 1) SHACL must
>>     not use "node" where it means all components of a triple and
>> We do not currently have any discussion on how a predicate can work as
>> scope nor any use-cases. e.g. what does it mean to to have e.g.
>> rdfs:label as scope?
>> however, we do have sh:scopeProperty and sh:scopeInverse property
>> e.g. sh:scopeProperty rdfs:label selects all subjects in the data graph
>> that appear in a triple with rdfs:label as predicate
>> e.g. sh:scopeInverseProperty rdfs:label selects all objects in the data
>> graph that appear in a triple with rdfs:label as predicate
>> in that sense I think the term node here is correct
>>     2a) there must either be a SHACL vocabulary element that allows
>>     scoping based on *any* component of a triple, or 2b) there must be a
>>     separate SHACL vocabulary element that allows scoping based on
>>     matching a predicate.
>> as stated above, we first need to define what does it mean to have a
>> predicate as a scope
>> e.g. sh:scopePredicate rdfs:label
>> to me something like this would intuitively translate to the following
>> SHACL scopes
>> sh:scopeNode rdfs:label
>> sh:scopeProperty rdfs:label
>> sh:scopeInverseProperty rdfs:label
>> i.e. the actual predicate as a node as well as all the subjects /
>> objects in the data graph that appear in a triple with rdfs:label as
>> predicate
>> is this what you have in mind as well? in that case we can discuss if we
>> can create such a syntax shortcut
>> Best,
>> Dimitris
>>     [1]
>> --
>> Dimitris Kontokostas
>> Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia
>> Association
>> Projects:,,
>> Homepage:
>> Research Group: AKSW/KILT
> --
> Karen Coyle
> m: 1-510-435-8234
> skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Dimitris Kontokostas
Department of Computer Science, University of Leipzig & DBpedia Association
Research Group: AKSW/KILT

Received on Thursday, 14 July 2016 08:22:37 UTC