Re: shapes-ISSUE-153 (sh:sourceConstraintComponent modality): sh:sourceConstraintComponent is not required but some wording indicates that it is [SHACL Spec]

The current wording is intentional. In 5.3 it is indeed optional because 
some constraints may have been derived from a SPARQL-based constraint. 
However, whenever ConstraintComponents are used, then the property is 
mandatory. Without such a policy it would become hard to compare results 
from different implementations.

I also suggest making sh:sourceConstraintComponent mandatory for all 
core constraint components, but I believe this is implied by the current 
prose. I have added that property to the example in section 2.2, and 
also clarified 7.4.1 to a MUST.


On 28/04/2016 16:48, RDF Data Shapes Working Group Issue Tracker wrote:
> shapes-ISSUE-153 (sh:sourceConstraintComponent modality): sh:sourceConstraintComponent is not required but some wording indicates that it is [SHACL Spec]
> Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
> On product: SHACL Spec
> 5.3 sh:sourceConstraint, sh:sourceShape and sh:sourceConstraintComponent
> Validation results may link to one sh:Constraint that has caused the result, specified via the property sh:sourceConstraint, and at the sh:Shape defining the constraint, via sh:sourceShape. Validation results may link to the constraint component that caused the result via sh:sourceConstraintComponent.
> 7.4.1
> In addition to the result properties listed in that section, the property sh:sourceConstraintComponent will point at the IRI of the constraint component that has been evaluated.

Received on Thursday, 28 April 2016 07:37:12 UTC