Re: ISSUE-110: Can we close this?

On 04/06/2016 01:07 AM, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> I believe the recent clean up of sections 2 and 3 have improved the situation
> and clarifies what constraint types can be used under which circumstances. I
> suggest closing this ticket ISSUE-110. The larger question of the metamodel
> remains open as a separate ticket, and I believe we should prune the number of
> necessary tickets.
> Holger

The example that I pointed out as not following the old guidelines has been
fixed to conform with the old guidelines.

However, the new guidelines in Section 2.3 are poorly stated.

For example, what does it mean for a property constraint to apply to the
object of triples?  This does not appear to allow sh:minCount in property

What does it mean for a node constraint to apply directly to the focus node?
 In some sense all constraints apply directly to the focus node.

Further on in Section 2.3 it says that sh:constraint cannot share objects with
the other two constraint properties.  This is an unnecessary, and new,
syntactic restriction.

And then there is the complex constraint, constraint component, and constraint
component parameter setup that Karen has already noticed.

So, 110 can be closed, but there is still lots of work to be done to fix up
how constraints, constraint components, constraint component parameters, and
the shape-to-constraint properties work and are described.


Received on Thursday, 28 April 2016 06:11:42 UTC