Re: ISSUE-95: Proposal for model simplifications

for what it's worth, this makes sense to me, so +1 for continuing this 
analysis to see where it takes us.


On 11/19/15 7:27 AM, Arthur Ryman wrote:
> This proposal simplifies the SHACL model.
> This proposal is based on the observation that at present virtually
> all of our constraints combine two orthogonal aspects, namely 1)
> forming a set of nodes and then 2) making some assertion about that
> set. One exception is Closed Shape constraints which are a special
> case and outside the scope of this proposal.
> Section 3.1 Property Constraints [1] defines constraints based on sh:property.
> Section 3.2 Inverse Property Constraints [2] defines constraints based
> on sh:inverseProperty. It is currently empty but would be a virtual
> repeat of 3.1.
> Furthermore, we also need to be able to apply constraints directly to
> the focus node using sh:constraint.
> [1]
> [2]
> Define the base class sh:Constraint to be the set of all constraints.
> Define the following disjoint subclasses of sh:Constraint:
> sh:FocusNodeConstraint, sh:PropertyConstraint, and
> sh:InversePropertyConstraint.
> In RDFS we have:
> sh:Constraint a rdfs:Class .
> sh:FocusNodeConstraint rdfs:subclassOf sh:Constraint .
> sh:PropertyConstraint rdfs:subclassOf sh:Constraint .
> sh:InverseProperty Constraint rdfs:subclassOf sh:Constraint .
> A shapes graphs does not need to state these classes explicitly.
> Instead we infer the classes using the following range statements:
> sh:constraint rdfs:range sh:FocusNodeConstraint .
> sh:property rdfs:range sh:PropertyConstraint .
> sh:inverserProperty rdfs:range sh:InversePropertyConstraint .
> Define the domain of a constraint to be the set of nodes that we are
> going to make assertions about.
> The domain of a constraint is defined as follows:
> Let D be the data graph.
> Let N be the focus node.
> Let P be the sh:predicate value for property and inverse property constraints.
> For sh:FocusNodeConstraint, domain = { N }, the singleton set
> consisting of just the focus node.
> For sh:PropertyConstraint, domain = { O | (N, P, O) in D }, the set of objects.
> For sh:InversePropertyConstraint, domain = { S | (S, P, N) }, the set
> of subjects.
> The above definitions factor out the first aspect of constraints. The
> second aspect is the assertions that we want to make about the domain.
> A given constraint node will contain zero or more assertions. For
> example, consider the following shape:
> ex:PersonShape a sh:Shape ;
>    sh:property [
>      sh:predicate ex:name ;
>      sh:minCount 1 ;
>      sh:maxCount 1 ;
>      sh:nodeKind sh:Literal
>    ]
> ex:PersonShape has one constraint node and three assertions about the
> domain consisting of the objects of ex:name.
> Let D be a data graph, let N be the focus node, and let E be the
> domain (objects of ex:name at N).
> The assertions are:
> minCount 1: #E >= 1
> maxCount 1: #E <= 1
> nodeKind Literal: E subsetOf nodesOfKind(Literal)
> An assertion can be regarded as a set of domains.
> minCount(M) = { E | #E >= M }
> maxCount(M) = { E | #E <= M }
> nodeKind(K) = { E | E subsetOf nodesOfKind(K) }
> ...
> hasValue(V) = { E | V in E }
> etc.
> A constraint is satisfied when the domain E satisfies each assertion
> included in the constraint.
> Define the class sh:Assertion to be the set of assertions.
> Each of the assertions defined by SHACL (built-ins) is a subclass of assertion.
> Each assertion class must define a set of parameter properties using
> sh:parameter.
> An assertion is included in a constraint when all of its parameter
> properties are present in the constraint node.
> For example,
> sh:MinCount rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter sh:minCount .
> sh:MaxCount rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter sh:maxCount .
> sh:NodeKind rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter sh:NodeKind .
> sh:QualifiedMinCount rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter sh:qualifiedMinCount, sh:qualifiedShape .
> This mechanism requires that the parameter properties determine the
> assertion. This holds for most of the currently defined constraints.
> The exceptions are the logical combinators for shapes. In the current
> spec, these constraints are defined using an explicit rdf:type, e.g.
> sh:OrConstraint, and the parameter properties are common, e.g.
> sh:shapes is used in both sh:OrConstraint and sh:AndConstraint.
> The parameter names for the logical shape combinators should be
> renamed as follows so that they unambiguously determine the class of
> the assertion:
> sh:HasShape rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter sh:shape .
> sh:NotShape rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter sh:not .
> sh:AndShapes rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter sh:and .
> sh:OrShapes rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter sh:or .
> The set of assertions can be extended by anyone. To specify a custom
> assertion, define a subclass of sh:Assertion and include a property
> that implements the assertion in some supported extension language.
> The SHACL specification defines the property sh:sparql and associated
> language binding rules for SPARQL. For example,
> ex:MyAssertion rdfs:subclassOf sh:Assertion ;
>    sh:parameter ex:myParameter ;
>    sh:sparql "SELECT ... " .
> Summary
> - this proposal refactors constraints into domain and assertion parts,
> allowing assertions to be defined just once and reused for different
> domain types
> - the assertions included in a constraint are determined by matching
> parameter properties against all the instances of sh:Assertion that
> exist in the shapes graph
> - custom assertions are defined by adding at least one implementation
> in some extension language
> - the property sh:sparql and binding rules for extensions implemented
> in SPARQL are defined by SHACL.
> -- Arthur

Karen Coyle
m: 1-510-435-8234
skype: kcoylenet/+1-510-984-3600

Received on Thursday, 19 November 2015 18:44:29 UTC