shapes-ISSUE-113 (SHACL and user interfaces): [SHACL Spec]

shapes-ISSUE-113 (SHACL and user interfaces):  [SHACL Spec]

Raised by: Peter Patel-Schneider
On product: SHACL Spec

The WG charter includes the goal of "Human and machine interpretation of shapes to [...] develop user interfaces."  

SHACL includes shapes and constraints.  Most constraints are expected to be property or inverse property constraints.

These SHACL features provide a backbone for the development of user interfaces related to shapes.   UI tools can, for example, use property and inverse property constraints to determine which properties should be part of an input form to create data that conforms to a shape.  Because shapes and contstraints are nodes in RDF graphs they can have extra information associated with them that can be exploited by user interface tools.

PROPOSAL:  As the RDF Data Shapes working group does not have sufficient expertise to create a good set of features for UI creation it should stop at providing this backbone and let those who build user interfaces design the information needed for connecting SHACL shapes and constraints to UI tools.   To conform with this sentiment, sh:defaultValue will be removed from the SHACL vocabulary.

Received on Thursday, 12 November 2015 21:23:48 UTC