UI/UX snippets

Towards the UI/UX aspect of things --

The following might be considered Use Case, might feed more
directly into Requirements, or might be incorporated (no doubt
with substantial rewording) directly into the spec.

When collecting data (which should conform to a shape), this 
is often done via forms, which might be green-screen character-
based terminal interface, full GUI, or somewhere in between.

Automated generation of such a form is often desirable.

So...  describing an entity, we know it has some attributes or
properties, each of which is identified by an IRI, which is 
generally not very human friendly.

Associating an rdfs:label with that property gives a "human
friendly version of the IRI" -- so, for instance, foaf:name
gets a nice label of "Name" -- which could be displayed 
alongside the text entry field (which the tool knows will
receive a string, because that's the range of foaf:name).

An rdfs:comment might give a somewhat more fleshed out version, 
such as, "the person's full name" or "the full name to be used 
for this person", which might be displayed as mouse-over help text.

A dcterms:description might give a much more detailed version, 
which might be displayed upon a click, in a pop-up window, a new 
browser tab/window, etc.

There might be some further attributes, possibly listing all
possible values for the property -- which a UI generator might
use to create a selection menu for a long list (whether there
was to be one selection or many), or a group of radio buttons 
for a short list with a single selection, or a group of check
boxes for a short list with multi-selcetion...

This is not exhaustive, by any means.  One of the things we might
want to do with our next PWD is to call for pointers to UI/UX
ontologies that we might link to -- because reinventing the wheel
is not good, and UI/UX is a huge space, but having some simple
hooks to other people's work can benefit us all.

I hope that's helpful to the process.


A: Yes.                          http://www.idallen.com/topposting.html
| Q: Are you sure?           
| | A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
| | | Q: Why is top posting frowned upon?

Ted Thibodeau, Jr.           //               voice +1-781-273-0900 x32
Senior Support & Evangelism  //        mailto:tthibodeau@openlinksw.com
                             //              http://twitter.com/TallTed
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Universal Data Access, Integration, and Management Technology Providers

Received on Thursday, 12 November 2015 20:42:30 UTC