Z Errors in Shape Expressions 1.0 Definition

Harold and Eric,

I reported this problem to you months ago but the problem has not been
fixed so I am trying again. The problem is that the Z Notation is

For example, the very first line of Z [1] is:

[Graph, P Triples]

which is syntactically invalid Z. Your text says that a graph is a set
of triples. The correct Z is:

Graph == P Triples

I assume you wrote the Z in LaTeX and then converted it to HTML. Is
that right? If so, there is a bug in your translator.

Have you fixed this? Is there a corrected version posted somewhere? Is
the source available? Thanks.

[1] http://www.w3.org/Submission/2014/SUBM-shex-defn-20140602/#RDFZ

-- Arthur

Received on Thursday, 19 March 2015 07:06:25 UTC