Re: Comments on Shacl-sparql Specification

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On 04/27/2015 12:50 PM, Arthur Ryman wrote:
> I reviewed Peter's spec [1] and have some feedback. First, I think this
> is a positive contribution and is complementary to Holger's spec.
> This spec is a great example of how to define the semantics of a language
> by translating that language into SPARQL. We can use this approach with
> other language proposals.
> The semantics of the language is not completely defined using SPARQL. 
> There is an upper control layer that is described informally. If we make
> this upper control layer a little more flexible then we should be able to
> support recursion.

I would like to see how this would work.

> The Extended Condition Language is somewhat low level and it would be 
> difficult to use by anyone who does not understand how it is translated
> into SPARQL. I believe we need a higher level language for the non-SPARQL
> user.

The non-SPARQL portion of the Extended Control Language can be used without
understanding the translation into SPARQL, I believe.

For example, understanding

[ rdf:type sh:Condition ;
 sh:severity sh:fatalError ;
 sh:classScope ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
 sh:shape [ rdf:type sh:Shape ;
     sh:predicate ""^^xsd:anyURI ;
     sh:valueType ""^^xsd:anyURI ]
] .

should not require any knowledge of how SPARQL is involved.  If the
representational purity is relaxed, one gets

[ rdf:type sh:Condition ;
 sh:severity sh:fatalError ;
 sh:classScope ex:Person;
 sh:shape [ rdf:type sh:Shape ;
     sh:predicate ex:offspring;
     sh:valueType ex:Person ]
] .

> A more serious limitation is that there is no template mechanism, which
> means that non-SPARQL users contain use extensions defined by SPARQL
> users. We need a mechanism that allows either Core or Extended conditions
> to be packaged and invoked like macros.

Agreed.  The proposal does not have a template mechanism.  As the proposal
works via a translation to SPARQL, adding a template mechanism is certainly

> I have other comments and will put them in additional messages.
> [1]


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Received on Monday, 27 April 2015 23:51:02 UTC