trying to understand the proposed solutions (OWL constraints, SPIN, ShEx, OSLC Resource Shapes, ...)

I'm still having a hard time trying to figure out how some of the proposed
solutions work.  I understand this for OWL constraints and SPIN, but none of
the others.  I don't think that I am the only working group member in this

I would find it very useful if there was a simple description of the basic
operation of each proposed solution, condensed down into something that can
be easily digested.

For example here is a version for OWL constraints:

OWL constraints verifies an RDF graph against a document containing
constraints, each of which being an OWL axiom.  The verification succeeds if
each axiom is true in the RDF graph under the closed world and unique names
assumption.  A typical axiom is of the form SubClassOf(class description).

For example, SubClassOf(person ObjectExactCardinality(2 child)) requires
that each instance of child is the subject of precisely two different
triples with predicate child.

Here is part of a version for SPIN:

SPIN verifies an RDF graph against a document containing classes connected
to constraints in the form of SPARQL queries.  The verification succeeds if
each SPARQL query with ?THIS bound to instances of the class produces no
results when run on the RDF graph.   The query does not have to contain a
?THIS variable, thus allowing global constraints.

For example, person SPIN:ask "SELECT ?THIS WHERE ... ?THIS ... child ...
GROUP BY ... COUNT ... <= 2 ..." [FIX THIS] requires that each instance of
person is the subject of at most two different triples with predicate child.

Could working group members knowledgeable about the other proposed solutions
produce something similar for them?


Received on Saturday, 20 December 2014 16:33:57 UTC