Re: Stand-alone Shapes and oslc:valueRange implemented in SPIN

On 12/3/2014 7:09, Arthur Ryman wrote:
> Holger,
> I've looked at your proposal. My summary is that you've defined the
> semantics of the Resource Shape vocabulary in terms of SPIN constraints.
> The result is that you can add oslc:property triples to any owl:Class and
> the SPIN engine will validate the constraints defined in the Resource
> Shape spec. You also allow oslc:valueShape to refer to any owl:Class
> instead of just oslc:ResourceShape instances. This is very elegant. Nice
> work!

Glad to hear that.

> I have not reviewed your SPARQL translations for correctness with respect
> to the intention of the Resource Shape spec (which is informal). I hope
> the WG will define a set of common, high level constraints, define their
> precise semantics, and produce equivalent SPARQL, and possibly other,
> translations of them.

I wasn't exactly sure what oslc:valueShape was supposed to mean: Shall 
all values of the property match the given shape, or shall only some 
(i.e. at least one of them). In my current design (not yet published) I 
am therefore distinguishing between two properties "all" and "some" 
similar to how OWL does it with owl:allValuesFrom and 
owl:someValuesFrom. I believe this covers most use cases, and for more 
complex cases (qualified with "at least 2" etc), a fall-back could be to 
use SPARQL directly.


Received on Wednesday, 3 December 2014 01:24:43 UTC