Converting a Natural Language Parse Tree to Notation3

I apologize if this isn't the place for N3 questions, but I can't seem
to find a dedicated public forum for N3.

Is N3 descriptive enough to represent an arbitrarily complex parse
tree for a sentence? I've been reading over the spec, but I'm finding
it a little unintuitive, and most of the examples don't approach the
complexity of natural language.

I'm curious to see if I can take natural language text, generate a
parse tree, and convert it into N3, which I can then more easily query
using a semantic reasoner like CWM.

For example, given the lengthy sentence, "The meeting of the
shareholders of the company shall be held at a place deemed
appropriate by a majority vote of the shareholders, to be determined
no less then a month before the meeting and no more than 6 months
before the meeting", how would that look in N3?

I think I grasp the "x of y of z" form to look like :z!:y!:x in N3,
and simple SVO forms to look like ":s :v :o" in N3, but I don't see
how more complicated nested structures would look. How does N3
represent prepositions like "at" and "to", nested triples, or logical
AND and OR statements? Is there an existing namespace for common
English vocabulary, like "determined", "before", etc?


Received on Thursday, 15 October 2009 15:07:41 UTC