Help: Cwm proof generation by command-line data insertion and verification.

Hello, sorry for my english :D
I'm working on my dissertation about social networking relating this 
I'm a newbie about it :D
In my actually work a node(A) sents to another node(B) an access request 
to a certain resource, B answers with a list of accessrules in N3 (All 
shared messages are contained in SOAP envelope.). About this rules A 
requests to a centralnode(C) certificatepaths that satisfy rules. From 
certificatepaths A generates some assertion in N3. Now with accessrules 
and assertion A generates a proof with cwm but it haven't stored files 
so it can make it using "python c:\cwm-1.2.0a1\cwm --think --why" and 
then pastes accessrules and assertion in command-line terminating with a 
EOF, it work.
Now A sends proof to B that shoulds check it and gives requested 
resource. The problem is that so generated proof can't verified because 
B obtain this error:

       Proof failed:  Can't retreive/parse 
<file:///Documents%20and%20Settings/Fabio/Desktop/cwm/esempi-n3/> because:
        Unable to access document 
<file:///Documents%20and%20Settings/Fabio/Desktop/cwm/esempi-n3/>, because:
          [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

I think this is caused becouse in source field proof refers to local 
directory. I haven't found a solution to verify proof gerenated with 
this method.
Can someone help me about this problem or can say me how to share source 
file to get verification with no more transations?

Thank you much!

This is a example of my datas:

@prefix relx: <> .
@prefix log: <> .
@prefix math: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .

<1000> a foaf:Agent .
<fabio> a foaf:Document .

{?rel_1 relx:initNode <1000>; relx:termNode ?node; relx:type [a 
foaf:RelType]; relx:depth [math:notLessThan 1]; relx:trustLevel 
[math:notLessThan 0]. } => {?node relx:canAccess <fabio>}.

@prefix relx: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .

<1> a foaf:Agent .
<1000> a foaf:Agent .
relx:FriendOf a relx:RelType .

<rel_1> a relx:Relationship; relx:initNode <1000>; relx:termNode <1>; 
relx:type relx:FriendOf; relx:depth 3; relx:trustLevel 1.0 .

----proof obtained by command-line insertion---
     @prefix : <> .
    @prefix log: <> .
    @prefix math: <> .
    @prefix pr: <> .

      [      a pr:Parsing,
             pr:because  [
                 a pr:CommandLine;
                 pr:args "['c:\\\\cwm-1.2.0a1\\\\cwm', '--think', 
'--why']" ];
             pr:gives { @forAll <./#node>,
                        <./#rel_1> .
            <1>     a <> .
            <1000>     a <> .
            <fabio>     a <> .
            <rel_1>     a :Relationship;
                 :depth 3;
                 :initNode <1000>;
                 :termNode <1>;
                 :trustLevel 1.0;
                 :type :FriendOf .
            :FriendOf     a :RelType .
                <./#rel_1>     :depth  [
                         math:notLessThan 1 ];
                     :initNode <1000>;
                     :termNode <./#node>;
                     :trustLevel  [
                         math:notLessThan 0 ];
                     :type  [
                         a <> ] .

                }     log:implies {<./#node>     :canAccess <fabio> .
                } .
             pr:source <./> ].

----proof obtained using files (zdata2.n3 as rules, zass2.n3 as 
     @prefix : <> .
    @prefix log: <> .
    @prefix math: <> .
    @prefix pr: <> .
    @prefix run: <#> .
    @prefix zdata: <zdata2.n3#> .

     @forSome run:_g0 .
      [      a pr:Conjunction,
             pr:component  [
                 a pr:Parsing;
                 pr:because run:_g0;
                 pr:source <zass2.n3> ],
                 a pr:Parsing;
                 pr:because run:_g0;
                 pr:source <zdata2.n3> ];
             pr:gives { @forAll zdata:node,
                        zdata:rel_1 .
            <1>     a <> .
            <1000>     a <> .
            <fabio>     a <> .
            <rel_1>     a :Relationship;
                 :depth 3;
                 :initNode <1000>;
                 :termNode <1>;
                 :trustLevel 1.0;
                 :type :FriendOf .
            :FriendOf     a :RelType .
                zdata:rel_1     :depth  [
                         math:notLessThan 1 ];
                     :initNode <1000>;
                     :termNode zdata:node;
                     :trustLevel  [
                         math:notLessThan 0 ];
                     :type  [
                         a <> ] .

                }     log:implies {zdata:node     :canAccess <fabio> .
                } .
            } ].

    run:_g0     a pr:CommandLine;
         pr:args "['c:\\\\cwm-1.2.0a1\\\\cwm', 'zass2.n3', 'zdata2.n3', 
', '--why']" .

Received on Sunday, 19 August 2007 05:49:50 UTC