FuXi updated to 0.85b.dev-r107- was: Re: Updates to Fuxi

FYI.  FuXi has been updated with new Description Logic Programming
capabilities.  See:

The horn clauses (rules) generated by the DLP process could probably
be serialized into N3 easily enough for usage by any N3 reasoner.
These custom rulesets (generated *from* a particular OWL RDF graph)
may - in some ways - be more efficient to evaluate than the generic
rulesets.  At least, the DLP processor gets through the OWL tests much
quicker (even including the time it takes to generate the custom
rulesets) than before where I was essentially using an N3 ruleset
which was a hybrid of owl-tests.n3 and pD (from "Completeness,
decidability and complexity of entailment for RDF Schema and a
semantic extension involving the OWL vocabulary")

I eventually moved FuXi to google code and cheeseshop.

Received on Sunday, 12 August 2007 07:17:45 UTC