N3 media-type in SPARQL protocol

Hi. Nice to see 
out and about :)

Just one brief and boring comment now while I remember:

"text/n3" should probably be "application/rdf+n3"
or "application/n3". Googling for these, it seems both 
are in various codebases. Perhaps having a conneg-happy
protocol spec out there will motivate some concensus 
(and a media type registration) in the N3 scene? CC:'ing timbl...
(text/n3 is worse due to UTF-8 vs ASCII issues). Ah,
Tim says "text/rdf+n3" is also in use. Hmm. I'm going to hit 
"send" on this mail anyways, to flag the issue!



ps. typos in 2.2:
"Accept-Chareset" -> "Accept-Charset"

 "prefix foaf:  <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/%gt; ."
    	... s/%gt/&gt/ I think

also suggest "Host: my.example"
	-> "Host: my.example.org"
although http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2606.txt
allows .example as a fictional TLD

Received on Sunday, 16 January 2005 20:33:01 UTC