Re: is/of feature of N3 in turtle/sparql?

Dave Beckett wrote:
> On Sat, 28 May 2005 20:48:27 -0400, Eric Prud'hommeaux <> wrote:
>>On Sat, May 28, 2005 at 03:47:50PM -0400, Stan Devitt wrote:
> <snip/>
>>The relevent part of the SPARQL grammar is at
>>  <>
>>The grammar currently inludes:
>>  . , ;
>>    s p o . s p o2
>>    s p o, o2
>>    s p o; p o2
>>  [] ()
>>    [] p o
>>    [ p o ]
>>    s p ( i1 i2 )
>>My opinion as both an editor and working group member is that the
>>turtle syntax is intuitive and attractive in its simplicity. We have
>>postponed a number of issues for later versions of the language. I
>>would postpone the expansion of the graph language to include more of
>>n3 such as:
>>  s >- p -> o	# now  s = p => o  ?
>>  o <- p -< s	# now  o <= p = s  ?
>>  o is p of s
>>  has		# which i don't understand. where's the object?
>>  this
>>  =		# for owl:sameAs
>>  is		# without the of
>>  and the ever-controversial {}
> <snip />
> As Turtle author, I'm pretty much in agreement.  None of the above
> are going into to Turtle now or soon.  The only addition not yet
> recorded in the current Turtle document[1] is the """long quotes with
> newlines""" and updates to synchronise the qname definition with
> sparql.  (Note '''quotes''' are in SPARQL  but are not going into Turtle).

Will Turtle be getting closer to XML qnames?  The grammar says:

nameStartChar 	::= 	[A-Z] | "_" | [a-z]

but there discussion later in "8. XML QNames"


> Sorry I've not had the time to update this recently, been busy with
> coding and travelling.
> As a DAWG member and SPARL implementor, I'd rather keep it as it is.
> I spent a lot of the last coding period catching up with the syntax
> changes from last time.
> Dave

Received on Tuesday, 31 May 2005 11:24:59 UTC