Re: not working

Sorry that was the wrong output I sent. Below is what I am getting. It 
looks like it is trying to get the file and 
croaking on trying to parse that. I'll see if I can point the name 
space to the right file.

hjs@bblfish:0$ ./ -v -f tmp/bloged1.rdf -t tmp/bloged2.rdf
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./", line 374, in ?
   File "./", line 357, in main
     graph = loadFiles(testFiles)
   File "./", line 318, in loadFiles
     graph = myStore.loadMany(files, openFormula=graph)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 159, 
in loadMany
     return _checkStore().loadMany(uris, openFormula)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 1150, in 
     self.load(u, openFormula=F, remember=0)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 1131, in 
     return webAccess.load(store, uri, openFormula, asIfFrom, 
contentType, flags, why)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 90, 
in load
     raise DocumentAccessError(addr, sys.exc_info() )
webAccess.DocumentAccessError: Unable to access document 
     [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 

19:44:54 - ~/Work/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap
hjs@bblfish:0$ ./ -v -f tmp/blog1.rdf -t tmp/blog2.rdf
     Loaded _g2 llyn.IndexedFormula
     Loaded _g12 llyn.IndexedFormula
      Fixed node: Feed
      Fixed node: "http://b"
      Blank node: _L11C8
      Fixed node: "Atom 0.3"
      Blank node: _L56C8
      Fixed node: Entry
      Fixed node: "Henry St"
      Fixed node: "7 May 20"
      Fixed node: "xml"
      Blank node: _L13C8
      Fixed node: "James To"
      Fixed node: "not quit"
      Fixed node: "Learning"
      Fixed node: Content
      Fixed node: "BlogEd v"
      Fixed node: Person
      Fixed node: "<h1>My <"
      Blank node: _L43C8
      Fixed node: "<span>Th"
      Fixed node: "Create C"
      Fixed node: _g4
      Fixed node: "de"
      Blank node: _L25C8
      Blank node: _L50C8
      Fixed node: "en"
      Blank node: _L40C4
      Fixed node: "todd@sun"
      Fixed node: ""
      Fixed node: "http://b"
      Fixed node: "http://b"
      Fixed node: Link
      Blank node: _L9C4
      Fixed node: "text/htm"
      Fixed node: "<span>It"
      Fixed node: "service."
      Fixed node: "text/xht"
      Blank node: _L19C8
      Fixed node: "http://b"
       Predicate: rdf:type
       Predicate: generator
       Predicate: email
       Predicate: mode
       Predicate: copyright
       Predicate: hasLink
       Predicate: type
       Predicate: hasTitle
       Predicate: author
       Predicate: data
       Predicate: rel
       Predicate: tagline
       Predicate: contributor
       Predicate: url
       Predicate: created
       Predicate: version
       Predicate: href
       Predicate: lang
       Predicate: id
       Predicate: name
       Predicate: hasContent
       Predicate: info
Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "./", line 374, in ?
   File "./", line 366, in main
     delta = differences(graph, graph2)
   File "./", line 235, in differences
     g_bnodes, g_definitions = nailFormula(g)
   File "./", line 85, in nailFormula
     meta = lookUp(predicates)
   File "./", line 65, in lookUp
     return loadMany([(x) for x in schemas])
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 159, 
in loadMany
     return _checkStore().loadMany(uris, openFormula)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 1150, in 
     self.load(u, openFormula=F, remember=0)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 1131, in 
     return webAccess.load(store, uri, openFormula, asIfFrom, 
contentType, flags, why)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 
109, in load
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 
251, in feed
     i = self.directiveOrStatement(str,j)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 
265, in directiveOrStatement
     if j>=0: return self.checkDot(str,j)
   File "/Users/hjs/Programming/w3c/2000/10/swap/", line 
708, in checkDot
     raise BadSyntax(self._thisDoc, self.lines, str, j, "expected '.' or 
'}' or ']' at end of statement")
notation3.BadSyntax: Line 3 of <>: Bad syntax 
(expected '.' or '}' or ']' at end of statement) at ^ in:
^<TITLE>404 Not Found</TITLE>
<H1>Not Found</H1..."

Received on Friday, 7 May 2004 13:56:42 UTC