problem testing swap HEAD in cvs

Hi, I checked out the latest cvs version of swap as described here:

After downloading the tests from

and running make

I get the following output:

59/207 regression.n3#t1022             Early DAML (now OWL) example in 
Files differ, result= 256
#  If this is OK,   cp ,temp/regression.n3_t1022.out ref/daml-ex.n3
######### Differences from reference output:
--- ref/daml-ex.n3      2004-05-07 15:25:00.000000000 +0200
+++ ,temp/regression.n3_t1022.out       2004-05-07 18:14:42.000000000 
@@ -81,6 +81,8 @@
           :domain ex:Person;
           :range ex:Height .

+    ex:medium     a :Height .
      ex:mom     a :Property;
           = ex:mother .

@@ -95,3 +97,7 @@
           :cardinality "2";
           :domain ex:Animal .

+    ex:short     a :Height .
+    ex:tall     a :Height .

######### from normal case regression.n3_t1022.out: cwm -rdf owl-ex.rdf 
make[1]: *** [all] Error 255
make: *** [tested] Error 2


PS. Could the regressions tests not also be downloadable from CVS? That 
would make the whole thing easier to understand. Or at least place a 
README in the directory there somewhere.

Received on Friday, 7 May 2004 12:36:04 UTC